Florida Commercial Hard Money Financing

The commercial loan market in the United States is growing at a very rapid rate and commercial business owners have many reasons to refinance and pull cash out of their commercial real estate in Florida. Many banks make the commercial loan process very difficult for getting a commercial loan done because it takes 3 to 6 months, the borrower must pay for a commercial appraisal upfront costing up to 10,000 dollars and may still get declined, endless never ending underwriting process and you still may get declined. The end result in a prefect world you own your own commercial building, and land and have 800 credit and show all your income yes the bank can get you approved for you commercial loan. However, in a realistic financial lending world most business owners don’t

  • show all their income
  • they or self-employed
  • they depreciate their expense
  • they may have bad credit
  • Maybe a previous bk
  • liens, or judgements
  • or zero credit

These commercial borrowers however do own their real estate and have equity in their apartment complex, motel, hotel, mixed use property, multi family, strip center, self-storage unit, or commercial land and they can use that equity with our hard money investors who will lend up to 65% of the value of the commercial building and land.

  • 65% loan to values
  • Loan amounts 50k to 10 million
  • Flexible terms and rates
  • Limited Documentation
  • All commercial property types in Florida considered.
  • No upfront fees many times no commercial appraisal need.
  • Close in 21 day or less.

Make sense underwriting.
Self-Employed Borrowers Okay
All income types will be considered, business tax returns, personal, bank statements, rental income.
As you can see, we are here at AHL hard money to meet you commercial needs and give you amazing loan options to make you commercial refinance loan work with ease and no hassles.

Leverage the equity in your Florida commercial real estate to release the money you need using that collateral while the banks or trying to use your credit score or asking you for unlimited paperwork and they still will turn you commercial hard money refinance loan down. Our commercial underwriters or here to work with the borrower in step by step, streamlined, easy to use loan process that will be efficient, effortless, and easy giving you peace of mind.

Steps in the Florida Commercial Hard Money Refinance Loan Process.

  1. Call our main line and speak to an loan representative or commercial underwriter.
  2. Review your Proposal usually in 24 to 48 hours.
  3. One of our appraisers will contact you to inspect the property and if you own the property free and clear it may not be needed.
  4. Order the title on your commercial loan
  5. Get income documentation.
  6. We may need a survey not in every case.
  7. Review final loan documents.
  8. Set Closing Time and Close your loan ideally 21 days but if any complications on title no more than 30 days.

Hopefully we have you Florida commercial home equity, and hard money refinance ready to close and you will be very happy with the results, our investors will place 1st mortgage lien on your property up to 65% of the value of your commercial real estate and land. Our private investors or not like a bank they take pride in helping good borrowers who are self-employed and dont show much income but due make good deposits in their bank statements.

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To get started, fill out this online form with your information. One of our team members will contact you shortly!

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