Types of Commercial Properties for Hard Money Loans

Florida Commercial Mortgage | Miami Private Money

At Shop Commercial Mortgage, our investor network is looking for opportunities to put their money to work providing you loans against the equity in a commercial property. Our investors secure their investment against that equity, allowing you to get the money you need even if you have less than ideal credit, a bankruptcy, or a previous foreclosure in your record.

florida commercial refinance

Here are some of the properties we can accept for consideration of your hard money loan:


    Mixed Use
    Multi-family dwellings
    Office buildings
    Low or High Rise Buildings

Retail Businesses

    Strip Centers
    Retail Stores

Entertainment and Lifestyle

    Health Clubs
    Liquor Stores
    Golf Courses
    Boat Docks

Other Businesses

    Parking Lots
    Equipment Loans
    Gas Stations
    Self Storage Units
    Car Lots
    Almost any other business having good equity

If you are self-employed without the credit rating needed to secure conventional financing, Shop Commercial Mortgage can help you get the money you need. We can provide bridge loans to help you secure additional property, or financing to allow for improvements to the existing business. We can supply loans from $50K to $10M, with up to 75% loan-to-value ratio. Most closings will occur in less than 21 days. We offer a hassle-free loan process to get you the money you need quickly and efficiently. Contact Shop Commercial Mortgage today and get started on growing your business!

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